Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 3- Think out loud posting

I got an invitation to present a workshop at an Efolio conference coming up in April.  It is more on Elearning.  This may be a good place to at least try to write a proposal for a workshop.  Using wikis in the classroom might be a good way for people to learn how to use a Web 2.0 program.  They also give help on doing the proposal.  I may look at this to see if it is a good fit.

Otherwise, I was thinking more about not being able to finish this until next month due to the fact that I am still awaiting results from my cycles.  I got started late and now with starting a new job, I am not so sure that I can finish everything this month.  I am going to take a look at the proposal however, and see if I actually can fit something in.

I have a lot of worries about presenting at a conference.  Conferences really aren't something that I do, as I am uncomfortable with groups of people that I don't know.  I have not attended a professional conference for some years.  I will look at the proposal and see if it fits the situation.  I may attend the conference as an attendee to get my feet wet.


  1. Sandra, I think you should go ahead and pitch a presentation. Even if you think it has little chance of being accepted, it will still get you into the practice of writing the proposals. My own experience at peer conferences is that I think they already know everything I have to share, then I get there and find out I could have been a contribution.

    My one piece of advice: Go ahead and submit that proposal, but make sure it is something you are experienced and comfortable with for your first presentation. That will take a huge chunk out of your stress level.

  2. Great opportunity. I hope that it turns out great.
