Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wk 4- Publishing Leadership project

I decided that one of the two journals that I will submit to will be either the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education or Educational Technology Research and Development. The reason for this is because the AR project fits in well with how teachers learn.  The technology used for this project was a wiki and it is another of the Web 2.0 tools that teachers could learn to use to help them integrate technology into their curriculum.  Other journals that I looked at did not want articles about research.  I may at a later date submit an article about using wikis in the classroom to Leading and Learning with Technology which did not want any research articles.

Think aloud #2
Think aloud #1

My project is located at: Colby_Sandra_Leadership Project

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week 4- Reading Commentary

The last part of this book and more chapters on what the Zanders think are good for those who are students.  I think that the Tenth practice "Being the Board" is quite superb.  In it they describe how one should be the framework for everything that happens.  Listening to different ideas from graduation speeches as broadcast on ABC News Friday, May 27, most of the speakers were talking about being passionate for what you want to do in your life.  I could relate to this as everything that I have been reading about finding a job talks about what you are passionate about. (and if that doesn't work, find something else).
Being the framework, you should be passionate about what you are about.

So what am I passionate about?
Being a good mom and grandmother, 
My craft projects including my crocheting and counted cross stitch,
One thing that looks like it is missing is my passion for my work at Full Sail, I may have lost it since I have been working at it for so long.  I have to get it back so that I can finish.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 3-reading commentary

This week the reading contained many different ideas on how to cope.  One is Rule #6.  It is a good thing that I reread this chapter as I really didn't understand it the first time.  Rule #6 is "Don't take your self so seriously".. 

I am told that I am too serious and in my present situation it is easy for me to be too serious.  There isn't much to be happy about, but if I think more about Rule #6, I have to not take myself too seriously.  I take everything too serious and get myself in trouble because I cannot relax and laugh at myself.

The one other point that I should make is about "leading from any chair".  As a Leo, I am considered to be a leader, but when I was in band, I was never in first chair, (at least in high school).  I became more of a leader when I was in Marching band in college.  There I became a section leader and was also a person who became a bus monitor during one of our bus trips.  (What is that quote about having greatness thrust upon oneself?) 

I do find this book to be interesting despite the fact that it is written from the point of view of a conductor of an orchestra.  Not everyone can relate to this.  Not everyone can even relate to being a musician in a large band or orchestra.  However, we are all cogs in different wheels.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wk 3-Think Aloud #2

I am seriously considering several journals.  I will have to spend a day or two revisiting the submission guidelines and decide which one I will choose.

I have my ideas down to about three different journals that I think would definitely work for my project.

One is the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education.  The reason for this one is because my literature review dwells on how the wiki can be used in the classroom.  My AR project is more about how teachers can learn to use this particular type of technology and then use it in their classrooms.

Another choice is the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, the reason for this choice is because of some of the content that my research shows and some of the subject matter that this particular journal covers.

I have also considered the journal TechTrends.  It is a journal covering as they say “a report of innovative practice” from the submission guidelines.  This is also a consideration since I am writing about using a Web 2.0 application that not everyone may be familiar with. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 2-Think Aloud #1

Think Out Loud #1-May 2011

I am thinking now that I would rather write an article for a journal.  I am not quite sure which one.  There are probably several in the list that would work.

If I do a presentation 200 words per slide almost goes against what I have learned about presentations and not sure how to go about it.  What I would like to do is have a workshop where I actually teach how to use the wiki and see how the participants would use it.  Workshops might be available at conferences especially like the eFoli workshop that I was thinking about last month.

Since I have not been working for two years, I am not sure how I would be received at a conference.  I am not a joiner and do not currently belong to any organizations.  This AR project is more a professional development topic which could be used for any school.

I need to check out the different journals and go from there. I will go through Ms. Bedard's list and go from there.

Week 2-May -reading commentary

I am rereading Art of Possibility to see if there are any more gems that I can glean from this great book. 

I have figured out that everything is invented and that there are quite a few things that a person can accomplish if one only figures this out. 

One of the practices that I am reflecting on is giving an A.  It said in the book that the person who is least engaged may be the person with the greatest insight.  I have worked with many students who were "least engaged".  I have yet to figure out what it is that they added to the class.  There were others, however, that while "least engaged", there were some who were bored and were able to help others using the technology.  This was quite helpful and then that person was able to shine.

At the beginning of a class, I always told my students that they were capable of getting A's in my class.  However, there were always some who refused to do the work so they didn't get an A.  It was quite easy to get an A.  Come to class, answer the questions and do the projects.  I was a very easy grader and many times the kids were able to teach me something that I didn't know.  I had to humble myself and realize that I (as the teacher) didn't know everything and that there was always something to learn.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wk1-May 2011

This is where I will post everything for the MAC class.  If you are interested in what I have to say, please make comments on my blog from March as that is where I have posted materials relevant to the MAC class.
Thank you.