Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010

My Master's project will include three different projects.

One will be on podcasts, one on visual data analysis, (Like Wordle) and the third may be on wikis.  This has allowed me to think more about my Action Research project for FSO.  I think I might be leaning more toward personal learning environments.

I have been spending a lot of time doing research and rewriting.  ( I don't like rewriting, but I will have to do it.)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still not sure

There is a lot to learn about Web 2.0.

It may become part of my research for my Master's portfolio for SCSU.  Sorry to say FSO, that I am going to take some time off and finish this project which has been an ongoing process for more than 7 years.  Hopefully, I will get it right.

As for Wikipedia.  I am against using it in the classroom for any purpose.  There are more authoritative and credible online encyclopedias and most school districts have access to either an online search tool or a database which would give better information.

My suggestion is that we teach students how to discover why some of these tools are not to be used.  See my final project for ETC.