Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 3-reading commentary

This week the reading contained many different ideas on how to cope.  One is Rule #6.  It is a good thing that I reread this chapter as I really didn't understand it the first time.  Rule #6 is "Don't take your self so seriously".. 

I am told that I am too serious and in my present situation it is easy for me to be too serious.  There isn't much to be happy about, but if I think more about Rule #6, I have to not take myself too seriously.  I take everything too serious and get myself in trouble because I cannot relax and laugh at myself.

The one other point that I should make is about "leading from any chair".  As a Leo, I am considered to be a leader, but when I was in band, I was never in first chair, (at least in high school).  I became more of a leader when I was in Marching band in college.  There I became a section leader and was also a person who became a bus monitor during one of our bus trips.  (What is that quote about having greatness thrust upon oneself?) 

I do find this book to be interesting despite the fact that it is written from the point of view of a conductor of an orchestra.  Not everyone can relate to this.  Not everyone can even relate to being a musician in a large band or orchestra.  However, we are all cogs in different wheels.


  1. We all have different components of our lives that sometimes make it difficult to take things lightly. However, in order to begin to find fulfillment within, I believe everyone must learn to find ways to not be so serious 100% of the time. There are times when we need to focus and take things seriously, but seriousness full speed ahead with no moments to relax does not allow for the brain to release those natural endorphins that help control feelings of stress and frustration. Truly learning to not take things or yourself so seriously, can be of significant help to the mind and body.

    I'm glad to see that you are finding the reading interesting. While we may never fully understand everything we read, we can open ourselves to see the big picture and work with that concept as the guiding principle.

  2. I am a musician, and with some guilt, have to admit that some of his stories I don’t relate to or... find I have heard or experienced them so it is not new. He tells his stories in an interesting way but nonetheless not so new. I have been close to some of circles he is in and some of these stories I understand very well. I agree with your statement about not being able to relate to “conductor” perspective that can be a very big leap. The other thing was is, for me, that I did not even consider that angle to each story. Being a conductor would have a tendency to color his story a bit, even though he has many qualities in him as a master “collaborator” conductor rather than a royal pain in the ... type of conductor. In many ways that lifts him above the ordinary ranks of conductor.
