Saturday, April 17, 2010


I looked at several different Web 2.0 tools this week before deciding which one to review for this week. One was for electronic portfolios, but mostly for artists.  I also tried an animation site, but it didn't do what I wanted.  

Finally, I settled on ToonDoo. This is a place where students (or anyone) can create cartoon characters or comic strips, it can also be used to make books.  There are four “R”s to the ToonDoo software.

   One is called “TraitR”.  This allows you to create a person or in other words an avatar. It has several different facial characteristics in the palette which allows you to make a person.  This is what I got.  It really doesn't look much like me, but it is supposed to be a cartoon.  I was only able to change the color on the shirt and the skirt.  I was not able to change colors on the shoes or sleeves.

I also attempted to create a cartoon like environment for myself using some of the ready made drag and drop items from their "library" of pieces available. this is just using different clip art pieces.  These are available as part of a Toon.  They also allow books and the ability to mess up a picture that you have taken, that is called "ImaginR".

I also made this one of my cat.  He is black, however, but this is something that he would say.  He's kinda like Garfield in that way.

There are other features of ToonDoo.Another is called “ImagineR”.  This is one where you can take a picture that you own and “goofify” them.  You can also take a picture off the web and change it.

Another feature is the “DoodleR”.  This is a palette of features which allows you to draw on top of what you created when you make your own comic.

They also have a fourth “R”.  This is what they call “SocialR”.  This is how they want people to interact with each other.  Using this feature one person can say whether they like someone else’s toons, or if they don’t like them.

ToonDoo also has a feature title “ToonDoo Spaces”.  This is an area that can allow users a private area to save their books and comics.  This part of ToonDoo is not free.  There is a free trial of 15 days which can be used for storage, but otherwise, you pay per user per month.  The cost for one person per month is about $.17.  They also have a graph which helps to figure out the costs.

I could use this to allow some creativity into the classroom.  These toons can be used in slide shows and possibly podcasts or movies.  (I might try that as well.)  It could also be used to create avatars for different websites.


  1. Hi Sandi ~

    What an interesting idea - creating a cartoon while learning! I wish we had this when I was growing up - how fun! What a great way to engage students by allowing them to incorporate art into the learning environment - I just love it! Thanks for sharing, Sandi

  2. Hi Sandi ~

    What an interesting idea that really engages students and allows them to incorporate artwork into their learning environment! I wish we had such a thing when we were growing up - how fun! Thanks so much for sharing this - I will be using this in my class real soon.
