Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 4- Commentary on Classmates

I posted this on Heather's blog.

I wish you good luck in wherever you decide to publish.  You may want to think about a Special Education conference as the attendees may be more interested in your subject.  Also an Assistive Technology conference or anything to do with Autism.  Working with Autistic students (as Mark is) is something that will probably increase in the years to come.  Your valuable knowledge will be welcome in many venues.

Here's what she said.

Week 4 Publishing/Leadership Project - Think Out Loud Part 2 of 2

After going back and forth, and still not sure this is the best option, I've decided to take the option that will allow for wider expression and requires more risk on my part.

I'm confident in my ability to write and present my ideas in a way that will be understood but I think that there's more possibilities through a presentation.

In looking through the different conferences to choose where to submit for presentation I choose the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). The first reason for my choice is a practical one - of the conferences I researched it's one of the few that are currently accepting proposals for presentations. The second reason that I would like to present for this conference is the wide audience that it reaches. Although my research has been focused on middle school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), I believe what I've learned can be helpful to students of all needs and abilities.

Week 4- Think out loud #2.

I am just not ready with my AR project to come to any idea on where to publish or where to present.  I did not even think about what to do for a project.

I am still gathering results from my Cycle One and have most of the data from Cycle Two.  I will be staying behind and working on this stuff next month.

I want to wish all of the present cohort good luck in the future.

Week 4- Classmate commentary.

I commented on Luz's thoughts about publishing.  This is what I said.

I think that you should submit your AR project to the journal.  You have a lot of insight into what went wrong, and what could go right.  You could also look internationally since you are working with Mexican nationals for your project.  There may be an international journal or a Spanish-speaking project.  Good luck and I hope you get published!

Here is what Luz was saying.

Would you like to be published? Why? Where?

I would love to be published because I think that I have invested so much work and time in this ARP that I would like others to know about the process and the data I have collected. I would like to inspire others to commit themselves and do research about this fascinating emergent technology as an immersive educational environment.

I would like to be published in the Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory

I surfed their website for a bit and I found out that the articles they publish have a very user friendly style and their requirements meet the expectations of our Leadership Project. They accept different kinds of articles. One of the styles completely fits what I am thinking to create that is more of a conceptual paper, which has the goal to define or redefine a new approach or framework. I think my Leadership project also meets the requirement of being a subject that could interest educators on how to use simulations and gaming in education. The way they expect the article to be written is simple and clear. So I think that my work could fit such profile.

I also would love to be published by the Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR)

I found that their work is full of validity and reliability. The guidelines for the authors that would like to submit their work are easy to follow. The Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) publishes papers that need to include theoretical support (literature review) and cover the design, implementation, and the impact on education and training of different kinds of learning environments such as interactive learning environments, simulations and games. So the topic of my Leadership project could fit their required profile and could contribute in some way to the research that focuses on the use of emergent technologies like 3D virtual worlds as Second Life as educational environments, active learning platforms, and delivery methods for corporate training.

Week4- Wimba sharing session

I listened to the Wimba session from the evening when Paul, Luz, Mark, Sabrina and Elizabeth.  (I didn't get the names).  However, there were many different types of projects. I especially enjoyed listening to the one about the math lyric project.  I too think that kids will remember things better if they are singing it.  They do enjoy music.

The Facebook project was also interesting in that the students  and were not as interested in the Facebook than once thought.  I was wondering what Sabrina looked at for her literature review.

As for Paul's project, my thoughts were when he learned how to do presentations, if he ever had to do storyboarding with them.  When I was teaching presentations, one of the requirements, was that students had to do a storyboard before they could even get onto the computer.

Well done everyone.  Hopefully some of you will be presenting at the conference or publishing in the journal that you chose.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week 4- Reading Commentary

The art of possibility has a lot of wisdom between its pages.  I was finishing the reading and was thinking about Dvorzak’s New World Symphony.  It is one of my favorite pieces as well, thinking that I have a copy on tape somewhere in my collection of music.  It was another gem that we performed either in high school or in college or both.

Photo by SL Colby
The Art of Possibility actually reminds me of spring flowers coming up through the earth and giving others the chance to start again. 

In the coda, the authors suggest: The book had no intentions of solving your problems or even letting you browse”.  (p. 198) I read it all the way through and thought there were more gems that I missed.

What they may have meant that is this book has a lot of suggestions for you to take into your life to help you, but it is in no way a solution to how you live your life.  For me I think that there are enough guidelines that I can use to move from this point forward.  I will think of myself as a new spring flower getting ready to greet the sun and turn myself into a different direction.  That is something that Full Sail University has given to me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 3- Think out loud posting

I got an invitation to present a workshop at an Efolio conference coming up in April.  It is more on Elearning.  This may be a good place to at least try to write a proposal for a workshop.  Using wikis in the classroom might be a good way for people to learn how to use a Web 2.0 program.  They also give help on doing the proposal.  I may look at this to see if it is a good fit.

Otherwise, I was thinking more about not being able to finish this until next month due to the fact that I am still awaiting results from my cycles.  I got started late and now with starting a new job, I am not so sure that I can finish everything this month.  I am going to take a look at the proposal however, and see if I actually can fit something in.

I have a lot of worries about presenting at a conference.  Conferences really aren't something that I do, as I am uncomfortable with groups of people that I don't know.  I have not attended a professional conference for some years.  I will look at the proposal and see if it fits the situation.  I may attend the conference as an attendee to get my feet wet.

Week 3- commentary on Danielle's blog.

This is an excerpt from Danielle Mile's blog on this week's reading.

Following this belief and understanding, the next chapter is a rule that I need to spend some extra time working on.  It simply states that life is full of impediments or tribulations, but it is important to approach each as a learning opportunity and therefore one that needs not be fear or stressed about but rather approach with gusto and with the knowledge that not only can you make it through but that you will and you will be better for it. 

my response:

colbys said...

I am thinking that you are talking about "Rule no. 6". If we tell our students or even ourselves, to remember Rule no. 6, then there is only one rule. Whether that rule is to be true to yourself, or any of the other ideas that Zander discusses in this book, it will be effective.

I too attempted to point out "Rule No. 6", but those around me wanted to know what the other 5 rules were. In the last school I worked at the most important rule was to respect. If rule no. 6 is to respect yourself and others, we may all live with each other much easier.

Week 3- comment on Sabrina's posting

You have picked a good journal to submit to.  I have found many interesting things in this particular journal.  In fact, in my research on wikis and podcasts-both having to do with technology, I believe i used this journal as a resource.

This may be a good source for me as well, when I am ready to publish, however, I am currently not as ready as you are to publish.  Good luck!   I hope they publish your research.

Sabrina's post:

Week 3 Post #4 Publishing Leadership Project

I've decided to submit my paper to the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. Many of the journals  were easy to eliminate since my research wasn't focused on  classroom instruction or students. This publication includes articles on preservice and inservice teacher education, and  I think my paper could be useful to pre-service teachers since the research showed that parent-teacher communication was an area that was lacking in teacher education programs.

This submission guidelines for this journal also align with the style of my paper: it is under 30 pages, it is in APA format, and the abstract falls within the 75-200 word requirement.

I have to admit, now that I've decided on a journal, it's really exciting to think that I could publish an article that might be of use to other teachers.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week 3-Wimba


There were three questions that were asked during this weeks Wimba.  I will use this time to answer those.

1. "How is the Art of Possibility different from the "Power of Positive Thinking" or Oprah's "the Secret"?

Since I have not read either of the books (Power of Positive Thinking or The secret). I truly cannot answer this question.  However, I have read other books which boost positive thinking that being Joel Osteen's "It's Your Time" which has a lot of positive things in it.  I do enjoy some of the ideas of Zander.  There is quite a bit of difference between Osteen which is faith based and Zander who is basically looking at things from his vision of his music career.

2. Which chapters meant the most to you and why?  I can not really pick out one best chapter.  However, I usually make those comments in my reading commentary.  I did enjoy Remembering Rule #6, and Giving Way to Passion, this week.  There was one or two from last week that I thought was pretty good.

3. What things are you going to take from the reading and use in your teaching and your life?

Although I have found there are several things that I can take from Zander and apply to my life, I am not sure which ones I will take with me.  Maybe, Leading from any chair, since most of my life I have never been more than a 2nd or 3rd clarinet, and certainly never first chair.  I have to show how to be a leader from where I am. 

Other things that I took away from this Wimba, is that I have a lot to do to even start thinking about my Leadership Project, I still have to finish my data for my website and I have an abstract to write.  I feel like I am really far behind and now I am currently working, it has become even harder to find time to get everything done.  I will make time to get things done and hopefully will see you next week in Wimba.

Week 3-Reading commentary

I don’t know about anyone else but I am thoroughly enjoying the writing of Ben and Roz Zander.  From the BTFI to following rule number 6 these authors have some really good stuff to tell us.

At first I was going to write about the downward spiral and how I thought, yea, this is the way the my life is going, from the not getting any teaching jobs, to living with all my teenagers and the possibility of not having a home. 

I did try talking about “Rule No. 6” at my current place of work, but they wanted to know what rules 1-5 were.  And I tried to use “How fascinating!”, but found out later it was for mistakes not things that I truly made work.

The fact that orchestra players job satisfaction was lower than prison guards also spoke to me.  I wonder what it is for teachers in urban schools where there is no hope is.  I know that my job sometimes felt like being a prison guard, in some schools that is where the teachers actually are.  Not a place for me.

No, on this beautiful day in Minnesota, where the snow is melting, and the sun is shining, I finally finished chapter 8.

There it was.  The two steps for giving way to Passion. 
            “1. notice where you are holding back and let go
            2. participate wholly” Zander, the Art of Possibility, p. 114.

I do need to notice where I am holding back.  There are so many things that I still want to accomplish and maybe that is why I am still on this planet.  However, I can also see where doors are closed to me.

While on this trail, I have picked up a copy of “48 Days to the Work You Love”, which may show me how to find something that I will totally enjoy, not only after my sojourn at Full Sail University, but also as part of where I am on my journey in life.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 2- Commentary on Tamika's post

Fair Use is a touchy issue in schools, especially in my role as the library media specialist.  My principal recently approached me about beginning a school movie night.  Ouch!  I thought.  How in the world can we get away with this without breaking copyright laws?  As usual I go to the media specialist listserv to get the opinions of the other "library ladies" and few men in our district.  I was directed to a site that sells movie licenses for school use which protects our school from lawsuits.  Another media specialist told me that it's okay as long as the parents stay with the students.  My thoughts went to all the movies we show during the last few days of school. We certainly do not have parents with our 850+ students so are we breaking the law?  Indeed we are.  I found a couple of interesting websites for Fair Use Guidelines for Education Media and Intellectual Property- read them and tell me what you think. 

Hmm, I wonder if it is worth my sanity to delve into the Disney debate?  Probably not.

My answer:

It is not worth your sanity to delve into the Disney debate. Disney is very protective about their copyrights and they are most likely to slap your fingers (or worse) for using their movies for movie night. I did have a great awakening on this subject. I too was curious about using movies as a school. I looked at the back of a video and it mentioned that a particular movie could not be used in a large setting. So "movie night" may have to be scrapped unless you carry a license for the particular movie that you wanted to show. It's like having movies in a public place for a sleepover... using movies that you own may not be something that can be used in a public place. Good luck trying to find something. Try Discovery learning but stay away from Disney!
March 12, 2011 10:18 AM

Week 2- Comment on Sabrina

I too have watched how other teachers treat students in the public school. Many teachers in the school I taught at were frustrated because the students could not read or do math at their grade level. Students were also not able to speak English or even sit still. Many teachers were ill at the end of the school year from stress. I did not return to that school and have quit teaching altogether. You were smart in going to someone who was more experienced. Good luck in your adventures.
March 12, 2011 9:47 AM This is Sabrina's post
The first chapter of The Art of Possibility drew me right in, because imagining possibilities and thinking outside the box is how I live my life. I have always been a firm believer that people invent their own lives and attitude is what you choose to have.  One of the books that has most influenced me in the past was about Mary Kay Ash. I don’t recall the title of the book, but I was deeply impressed by the way that Mary Kay respected every person that she came in contact with and her philosophy of making every person feel special.  I was reminded of this philosophy again as I read The Monk’s Story (p52). It only takes a small effort to make people feel important and good about themselves, but that small effort has a profound effect.
One of the most disturbing things I have come across in my school is the way I see some of the teachers treat their students. Before I started teaching in public school I taught in a small Christian school that was so full of love that you could physically feel it when you walked through the doors. Teachers were coaches that drew out the best in their students, and even discipline was handled with love.  After a few months in public school I was ready to call it quits. I could understand why some of those teachers were so angry and I was having a hard time handling the students. I was running my classroom the same way I had in my former school, and it wasn’t working at all.  I had to make a lot of adjustments that year. One of them was the commitment to not let my attitude become one of anger and despair, but to keep my joy. I sought out the advice of a more experienced coach, and she taught me how to manage my students more effectively. At that time I made the decision to be a “contribution”. I wasn’t going to get sucked in by the other teachers’ attitudes around me. I have been much happier since, and those results are also evident in the relationships I have with my students.  I have also decided to focus my attention on the teachers with this same attitude and to stay far away from those without it.

Week 2-Wimba


This week's Wimba was an review of all the videos that I watched last week about copyright.  I did spend time watching everything that was available.

Things like piracy in Sweden really bothered me.  I grew up where you did not steal someone else's work.  period.  I was surprised that the Swedes don't think that taking our movies and reselling them was wrong.  The Russians were not surprising as I knew that piracy was a big thing in Russia.

Was I able to answer all of the questions that JB asked?  Yes, except for the stuff on Fair Use and Creative Commons, but I remembered all the rest of them.  ( I forgot that Fair use was a legal defensible position) and the four different types of symbols.

Since I am not teaching, I am working to use my own things, but I see in my children the fact that they don't think that piracy is wrong.  (My daughter got in trouble with her cable company because she was pirating movies.)  I don't know where they got the idea that pirating movies is ok. 

I had been a media specialist, so a lot of the copyright issues were not new.  However, Creative Commons is new to me.  I usually either use my own creations or remember to ask permission.  There was one time when I asked permission of a musician to use his work and he did not have a problem with it.

One also has to remember that copyright does not allow a person to continually use the same copyrighted material over and over again.  That usually means that if you use a film this year, you not necessarily can use it again next year.  Having licenses for films was usually in the domain of the media specialist.

I apologize if some of this sounds familiar from last week.  I don't have it copyrighted so I tend to repeat myself.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 2 Reading-The Art of Possibility

When I first looked at the book, I thought, oh, no, it's one of those positive thinking books.  Being unemployed, and other such tragedies in the past two years, I just rolled my eyes.

Chapter three, here was where I found something that I could relate to.  I have been a musician in high school and college, playing 2nd and 3rd clarinet no less, so I have been in the place of the second fiddle.  It also brought back memories of one of my favorite concerts.  We didn't do Mahler, but the 1812 Overture and the Stars and Stripes Forever.  It started out with wrong notes, lots of practice and by the time of the concert, music.  We no longer just played notes and followed dynamics-we performed music!

I also thought about the letter that Ben Zander asked his students to write.  i would write mine looking toward graduation from Full Sail:  It might go a little like this:

Dear Dr. Ludgate:

I received my grade A because I worked hard and tried many new things.  Your Course Directors inspired me to make movies, play games and learn about Web 2.0  I will probably never quite learning, there are so many things out there that I could learn about.

 I may never teach in a classroom, but I may be able to inspire those who do teach.  My contribution is to change the world in my little corner and it is because of Full Sail, that I have been able to take chances and learn new things.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 1-Comment on Danielle's posting

colbys said...

I totally agree with this feeling. I too am having trouble comprehending what is going to happen in the next few months. I am not sure that my work is presentation worthy, nor publishable. I too tremble at the thought of presenting this at a conference.

After graduation there is always the abyss of what do I do now? After this journey it will be interesting to see how everything pans out. I will be hoping that somewhere, somehow, everything will work out.

This is an excerpt from Danielle Mile's commentary on the publishing/leadership project, where she shares her feelings.

As I consider the possibilities that lay ahead and for which the plans will be built in the month ahead, I am stuck in a mud puddle of trepidation to say the least.  As I try to dismantle the feelings that have me stuck, I believe there are many issues to mentally and emotionally approach.  We are being asked to formally write up a proposal based on our Action Research Projects (ARPs) and submit them to conventions or conferences with the “hopes” (and I use that term lightly) that we will be accepted to present our findings to our colleagues.

Week 1 comment on Mark Coppins copyright issues

Sandie Colby
I agree with you Mark.  Kids these days think nothing of downloading or pirating movies, music or video games.  They think that not only is it fair game if it is on the internet, it is free to use by anyone else.  I guess I am the only one that is shocked that people take things that are not theirs and remix it or change it and think that it is being creative.  What about all of those people who spend hours upon hours coming up with something new?

More and more people are going to run into copyright problems as they continue to steal other's works.
Sunday, March 6, 2011 - 01:30 PM

Here is what Mark said about copyright.

I always find that copyright and copyright issues are such a gray area for most people especially students. There are so many myths out there about what can or cannot be used legally. This became even more confusing with the emergence of the internet. Suddenly information and media became available to everyone. Not only did it become available, in most cases it was unregulated. Being unregulated and accessible to many meant that it was free to use. The common mentality was and still is in many cases is that if it is posted on the internet, it is fair to use it however a person feels. To exacerbate the situation, services
such as Napster threw everything into chaos. Young children grew up downloading and sharing music and thought nothing of it. It was their right and since everyone was doing it, it was OK. This permeated their thought processes, and downloading intellectual property for free became a common and accepted practice. Now this generation will have to come to grips with the reality of copyright. I also feel that copyright laws and current structures for acquiring copyrights will have to change. The system will need to evolve to a point where acquiring permissions and paying a fair price for use of copyrighted material is palatable for the end user. If it is not a hassle and the price is right, I feel that people will be willing to follow the laws. I also think that the laws need to be clearer and more specific. Fair use in education needs to be very clear without any gray areas.

Week 1-Copyright Issues


Week 1- Reading/Videos

This has been a topic of discussion throughout my education on the Master’s level.  Partly because one of my certifications was in the Educational Media field, otherwise known as learning to be a media specialist.  As a media specialist we work with all types of media but especially print and it is part of our Teaching Standards to teach copyright and plagiarism. 

So I have learned about Fair Use- at one time a person could only use 10% of a work to be considered to be fair use.  It may have changed.  I do remember that Fair Use is for teaching, news reporting, critical comment and parody.  It also depends on “the nature of the work, amount borrowed and whether or not it has a commercial impact” (from the video on Fair use).

I did enjoy the Fairy Tale using the different Disney movies.  My first thought after viewing it was whether or not the filmmaker asked to use the different Disney films, as from my experience, Disney is quite protective of their images. 

I did question the new “remix” culture and wonder how they could get away with it.  The other people that threaten copyright infringement is the Beatles, so my wondering about Dangermouses’ Grey album, is that if the Beatles found out, would they prosecute?  Unfortunately two of the four Beatles are dead, but their record company is protective of what they own.  Apple Computers had to make promises to Apple Records in order to even use the “Apple” name.  How much more protective the Beatles would be in order to protect “The White Album”.

If you noticed, most of the people involved in the remix culture are under 30.  They think nothing of taking someone else’s work and pirating it or borrowing it and changing it.  It appalled me that those Swedish folks thought that pirating our works was ok.  It surprised me too that the Russians also have a lot of pirated material.

Something else that stood out to me was the claim that the music produced by the techno producer was that the money was not being made by record production but by the shows that were being held by the producer to play the music.  In America, the record companies do make money from the artist, and many artists have shows, but the artist still makes money from records.   I am not sure if the current business model for the music industry actually makes sense.  I am in wonderment at those who can produce original music on a regular basis.

There have been issues when someone takes some music and claims it to be their own.  At least one lawsuit has been brought about when part of a song belonging to one artist is being used by another artist. 

If you listen to Brad Paisley’s newest song “This is country music” where he uses different country songs, there is about five to ten words from the song he is borrowing.  He also borrows some of the music.

The third part of the videos was also quite informative.  Not only did it explain more about the remix culture, the fact that young people would rather remix some old stuff than create new, it also explained more about Creative commons.

Creative Commons has been a source for images for previous work, although I prefer in many cases to use my own graphic images.  I will on occasion use that which is copyright free from either morgue or other free sites.

Week 1-Wimba


Week 1 Wimba notes

The first Wimba of the month is always awe-inspiring and this month was no exception.  There is a lot for me to do this month as I play catch-up with my AR project.  I may just as well resign myself into making this a two-month class.

There was a lot of information to pass along, Joe’s contact information, how FSO is going to work, and the teacher’s expectations.  I am very intrigued on how the alternate site will help as I have already used it.  Obtaining information from the dashboard has proven to be somewhat difficult, as I have had to close out and reenter several times just to be able to view the videos and obtain the information that was needed.  (It may have been my poor connection at the time as well).

In these next two months (11 and 12) everything that we have been working on culminates in the ending of the AR project.  There is the final literature review, the website, the abstract and the publishing/leadership project.

This has frightened me a bit, as I really don’t like blowing my own trumpet.  I prefer to stay in the background and don’t tend to share within a group.  I had never thought about publishing or presenting (ever).  I am not sure that sharing what I have learned will help anyone. 

Right now, I need to focus on completing my AR cycles so I have some data to work with.  This will required that I focus on what I need to do so that I can finish my AR website.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I am now in my 11th month of Full Sail University.  This is the blog that I will use for this class.